Curriculum Vitae - March 2023

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Research Interests


Ph.D. Computer Science, Stony Brook University, December 2020

Specialization: Computational Biology
Advised by: Steven Skiena
Dissertation: Understanding Mechanisms of Translation and Transcription

M.S. Computer Science, EPFL, December 2010

Specialization: Computational Biology
Advised by: Bernard Moret
Dissertation: A Study of Flu Virus Reassortment

B.S. Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, May 2001

Minor: Mathematics

Fellowships, Grants, Awards




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Talks and Presentations

Refereed Conference Talks (presenter name is in bold)

Refereed Conference Poster Presentations

Campus Talks and Panel Discussions

Professional Service

Professional Memberships

Member of ISCB.


MS Research

Undergraduate Research

High School Research